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The prevailing wisdom is you should launch your MVP as soon as possible, full-stop.


In fact, per the definition of a minimum viable product is that it is distinctly minimal. And, as a consequence, it is going to be both very limited in features and will only appeal to just a few folks.

实际上,根据minimum viable product定义 ,它显然是最小的。 因此,它的功能将非常有限,仅会吸引少数人。

This is typically where builders of software and teams give the proverbial “head-nod” then proceed to build a much-bigger software application, often times without much (or any) customer feedback.


This, of course, is a big no-no:


Some understanding of the problem is very helpful when building an MVP so please talk to your users before writing code. — Michael Seibel
在构建MVP时,对问题的一些理解非常有帮助,因此请在编写代码之前与用户联系。 —迈克尔·塞贝尔(Michael Seibel)

Even more thanks go to Michael (and YCombinator!) because he recently gave a wonderful talk on that may prove useful for many of our readers and community members, especially since many of you are in the process of booting up , side-hustles, projects, and/or businesses!

还要感谢Michael(和YCombinator !),因为他最近就进行了精彩的演讲,这可能对我们的许多读者和社区成员非常有用,尤其是因为你们中的许多人正在启动 ,边路,项目和/或企业!

Give it a watch and then come back for some more contextually-relevant thoughts from our own experience of building YEN:


Thanks Michael and YC!


For starters, most folks launch with a product that is much, much bigger than they need! Per Seibel, he defines “launch” in this way:

首先,大多数人launch的产品远远超出了他们的需求! 根据Seibel,他以这种方式定义“启动”:

Launch simply means to start getting customers.


And learning from customers is easier with an MVP than without! Your goal, as a pre-launch startup is the following:

有了MVP,从客户那里学习比没有学习要容易得多! 作为预启动创业公司,您的目标如下:

  1. Launch quickly (MVP)

  2. Get initial customers

  3. Talk to customers and get feedback

  4. Iterate (improve the product)


This is what we did when we first started putting things together for what ultimately would become YEN! But what exactly is an MPV (according to YCombinator and Michael Seibel)? Here’s that slide too:

这就是我们最初开始将所有东西组装在一起,最终变成日元时所做的事情! 但是MPV 到底是什么(根据YCombinator和Michael Seibel的说法)? 这也是幻灯片:

Seibel provides specifics by coining the phrase Lean MVP as:

Seibel通过将“ Lean MVP这一短语创造为具体内容:

  1. Very fast to build (weeks, not months)

  2. Very limited functionality

  3. Appeal to a small set of users

  4. Base to iterate from


So, with these overheads in place, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we?


快速启动; 其他一切 (Launch Quickly; Everything Else Follows)

Most folks when they hear the words or phrase MVP immediately think that they have to launch some sort of software-based solution. But, the truth is that sometimes the best version of a minimum viable “product” is anything but a piece of software — sometimes a pen-and-paper model will do more than enough!

大多数人听到MVP单词或短语时会立即认为他们必须启动某种基于软件的解决方案。 但是,事实是,有时,最低可行的“产品”的最佳版本只是软件而已 –有时纸和纸模型所能做的还远远不够!

Our story (and MVP) actually starts here. The first product that we built for our community was something that we could “launch quickly” in just a few weeks (not months): A YouTube Channel!

我们的故事(和MVP)实际上是从这里开始的。 我们为社区打造的第一款产品是可以在短短几周(而不是几个月)内“快速推出”的产品:YouTube频道!

Not only was this “product” both free and quick to start, it allowed us to find and encounter some of those initial “customers”. This established a direct line of communication with them so that we could get feedback (and thus iterate).

这个“产品”不仅免费而且快速启动,它使我们能够找到并遇到一些最初的“客户”。 这与他们建立了直接的沟通渠道,因此我们可以获得反馈(并因此进行迭代)。

The YouTube channel became so successful that we booted up a forum just a that took only a weekend to put together!


Remember, the goal is to launch quickly and cheaply and don’t worry if it feels limited and lacks a wide appeal — that’s the point! We were able to not only talk to our community and get the life-giving feedback we needed, the sites itself started actually working as well!

请记住,目标是快速,廉价地推出产品,不要担心它是否受到限制且缺乏广泛吸引力-这就是重点! 我们不仅能够与我们的社区进行交谈并获得我们所需的给予生命的反馈,而且网站本身也开始真正发挥作用!

In fact, the first month we saw over 2,000,000 pageviews with over 4,000 new users!

实际上,第一个月我们就拥有超过4,000 new users 2,000,000 pageviews超过2,000,000 pageviews

With this firm and growing foundation, we continued to create a tight feedback loop, building a healthy and regular dialogue through tools like Discord, Patreon, Twitter, a variety of email newsletters and YouTube channels. And although they cost us nothing to start and use, they did begin to create revenue opportunities for us — also a very good thing!

在这个稳固且不断发展的基础上,我们继续创建紧密的反馈循环,通过Discord,Patreon,Twitter,各种电子邮件通讯和YouTube频道等工具建立健康而定期的对话。 尽管它们使我们无需花钱可以启动和使用,但它们确实开始为我们创造收入机会-也是一件非常好的事!

Our small, passionate set of users continued to give us feedback which created the foundation for apps like , , , , and eventually a much-larger as well — all in service of methodically iterating (and inching) closer to something that people really want.

我们热情的小用户继续为我们提供反馈,这为诸如 , , , 以及最终更大的类的应用奠定了基础-都在系统地进行迭代(和英寸)更接近人们真正想要的东西。

And then, finally, in February of last year (2018) we Project XyZ which we would eventually become what folks ! We launched a closed-BETA later that year to our select and the rest, as they say, is history.

然后,最后,在去年2月(2018年),我们 Project XyZ ,最终我们将成为人们 ! 我们于当年下旬向选定的发起了封闭式BetaA,其余的,正如他们所说的,已经成为历史。

But don’t miss the timeline of events! From the very beginning, starting in the Summer of 2017, our team set out to launch the cheapest (i.e. free!) version of an MVP that we possibly could. We grew an initial customer base quickly and established a feedback loop that worked well enough to keep our iterations focused and tight.

但是不要错过活动的timeline ! 从一开始,即从2017年夏季开始,我们的团队就着手发布我们可能会推出的最便宜 (即免费!)的MVP版本。 我们Swift发展了最初的客户群 并建立了一个反馈循环 ,该循环运行得很好,可以使我们的迭代集中且紧密。

We kept asking our community for feedback and we kept building features based on that feedback. Along the way we managed to build a little momentum and revenue (and via CNBC!) — enough to warrant the attention of a few select venture capitalists that we felt would be force multipliers for our team.

我们一直在要求社区提供反馈,并一直基于这些反馈构建功能。 在此过程中,我们设法创造了一些动力和收入(以及通过CNBC的 !)-足以引起一些精选的风险投资家的关注,我们认为这将是我们团队的力量倍增器。

We’ll take it.


But don’t be fooled — we have a long way to go and our story is still being written as we speak! The fact is that we still haven’t gone fully public with our product and we’re still a ways out from a “PR-launch,” as Seibel calls it.

但是不要上当了-我们还有很长的路要走,而我们的故事仍在写着! 事实是,我们仍未完全公开我们的产品,我们仍然无法摆脱Seibel所说的“公关发布”。

The point is that we still have a lot to prove to our community and ourselves — the pressure is on to build the best community platform for cryptocurrency on the planet and, with your help, we think we’re going to be able to pull it off.


And to think that it all started with a quick, easy, and free “product” (MVP) on YouTube!


好的,现在轮到您了! (Okay, Now It’s Your Turn!)

I hope this was both inspiring and instructive and that you now realize that the gap between where you are today and where you want to be isn’t as big as you originally believed.


You see, launching a new project or business or community looks difficult and daunting if you only have the end-in-mind. Try breaking it down into smaller parts, using the minimum viable product concepts and framework as a guide on how to get started.

您会发现,启动新项目,新业务或新社区看起来很困难且令人生畏,如果您只有心中话。 尝试使用minimum viable product概念和框架将其分解为较小的部分,以作为如何入门的指南。

Remember, you don’t have to do much (or spend much) to get started. And our community is here for you! If you’re starting something new and are part of our network, try adding hashtags and to an update or two and maybe you could even take the conversations to a new Private Chat Group.

请记住,您不必做太多(或花费很多)就可以开始。 我们的社区在这里为您服务! 如果您是新事物并且是我们网络的一部分,请尝试将标签添加到一个或两个更新中,甚至可以将对话带到新的Private Chat Group

Can’t wait to see what you all build and the !

迫不及待地想看看你们所有人都建立了什么以及的 !

John is the Founder & CEO of , currently in Closed Beta. He also writes a weekly newsletter from his 🧠:

John是的创始人兼首席执行官,目前处于Closed Beta 。 他还通过🧠撰写了每周新闻:




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